Martino's 2010--Send in the CLOWNS!

This is our work crew today! THE FUN!

Diana had the BIG nose and squirting sunflower!

Julie and hubby Steve.
Cathy made witches brew! HOW Neat right? Using dry ice, it looked down right spoooooooky!
Steve was the scary clown!

Cathy made the witches brew and brought cool skull and spider glasses for us to drink from, and there was CANDY inside too! Mmmmm! I brought the clown horns and every time a customer said......CHEDDAR JOE, (our feature hot dog right now...,a hot dog with Sloppy Joe meat and melted cheddar cheese), WE ALL HONKED OUR HORNS!!!!!!!! It was hilarious! There was also candy for the customers , no matter what the age....every monster big and small deserves candy......MARTINO's was fun today!
Diana had the BIG nose and squirting sunflower!
Me and Cathy, horn honking!
My face make up at home before work.
My face make up at home before work.
Jona with a rainbow wig.