Sunday, September 09, 2012

 Ok, I had to get a shot of this flying grasshopper. Earl had a childhood trauma with these flying all over him and when this guy visited our house right outside the door, I had to get a shot. Isn't it gruesome looking really? The camo colors, the shell, eyes, LEGS? Look at it. No wonder children are freaked by them! Heheheh, nature is amazing. In contrast to that, I would grab them by their long bent back legs and hold them stuck like glue to my finger. :)
 Our project for this weekend was drilling and placing beautiful marbles into our fence.

 I saw this idea on Pinterest. We bought some 9/16th marbles and we drilled holes into our fence that were a bit smaller than the marbles, with a little E6000 glue, we stuck them in and tapped into the fence with a rubber mallet. The sun shines through it and it is a subtle pretty! I love it! Thankfully, Earl is easy going and lets me do things LIKE THIS! Can a creative person ever leave anything alone? :)

 AND, we are ready for the Packer game with some sweet green and gold sugar cookies that Amber made. Goooooooooooooo PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The fence looks so cool! love it.

    And I could really go for one of your glasses of sangria it looks so refreshing.

    Cheers Patti

  2. LOVE the fence idea!! Looks great

  3. I too love the fence project. How fun! Those Packer cookies look yummy...I'm drooling right now!
    Have a great weekend, Sweetie.
    Big Hugs,
