Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I had the most fun with her! She looked like a SECRET PARTIER to me! Heheheh, so the picture says.......P,A,R,T, WHY? Because I gotta!!!! This was fun to do! I can imagine her sneaking a cigar behind the guys backs she got a cigar band on here as well! Live strong ladies!!!!!!


  1. BEAUTIFUL, Patti!! Me, I see a stern school marm with a big ruler she uses as a whip!! LOL

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Ooooh each one better than the next!! My favorite is the little birdies -- I liked that one before it was finished, too!!! :) These are beyond fabulous!!

  3. Patti,
    These cab cards are just gorgeous!!! Love what you did with them. I have never altered one but you have done a fantastic job with all of them. The atc's aren't bad too. The ideas one is a hoot. Very unlike your style but quite charming.

  4. Okay, Patti--You are my kind of girl! the "PART Why?" makes me laugh!!! Also, the comment you left on my blog about my sick DD. Your comment was "most Bill & Ted-ish" LOL
