Saturday, February 24, 2007

In the midst of our winter storm here, many mothies were born today! I have some rak-backs to take care of and a couple for special friends here, so I hope they will enjoy them! Thanks to Laura for sending me the cute little HAIR pieces, that adorn their heads! :0) Fun stuff! Hope your weather is better than ours here! Stay warm and hot chocoloate hugs! Patti


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    CUTE AS A BUG, Patti!! LOL

  2. I love those. They just make me happy!


  3. Those are so cute!!

  4. These are just precious Patti. Oh how I love creating them myself; it's a very relaxing activity and the result is just awesome. I love your touches, the faces you choose. Wonderful winter mothies!

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    These are darling, Patti!!! They almost look like little Spring Flowers.........perhaps you are blocking out the storm outside and thinking of warmer days.
    Hugs ~ Rella
    p.s. today I mailed your faerie off to you! <3

  6. Love your Moths! Love all the colors and texture you have gotten!

    The pink one has such a sweet face and really is quite beautiful!
