Saturday, June 02, 2007

Today, Cheryl, Laura and I dyed fabric! Even John thought it looked interesting! :0) Cheryl prewashed all the muslin following instructions from prochemical! The packets had three colors and each cup had a special mixture of the three dyes until the whole gradation was evident! It was quite the chemical experiment! Hehehe, the three of us worked well together and made a batch for each of us! After the dye was put in, an activator is also added and now we will soak the batches over night and tomorrow we will need to rinse and wash in the machine with synthrapol (included with the kit) and a softening packet too!We numbered the cups and EACH have 30 cups of a fat 1/8th (9x22"s). The colors already look great and it was a bit of a putsy process, but working with eachother was great! It made things go much faster and Cheryl was so kind to have us to her house where we were able to do mostly all of it outside! THANKS Cheryl! She also made a delish lunch and we had lots of giggles while dying! What a fun day! A few more pictures to come.......they will not fit in this post! Also, Laura and I did ours in the cups with ziplocks inserted because we had to take them home and this way we felt safer for the transport! Wow are we organized! Fabric Dyeing day fingers are a bit colorful! Ha!


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Yep Patti... we had a blast... I can't wait till tomorrow... rinse , wash and see what we have..

  2. This looks fab Patti - like a military excersise, you must hve had a giggle!

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM this looks like fun (and a lot of work!) I've never tried dying fabric. Is this from a kit that you bought? I wouldn't even know where to start! Are you dying up a large lot for selling, or are you just making up a lot of these pretty colors to play with?

  4. Wow Patti!! You have the full production line happening!! Good on you. Great results as well!

  5. oh my!
    I wish I were there with you all!!!
    what fun!
    its like looking at candy my mouth is wattering! all the photos of the fabric looks so great!
