Friday, July 13, 2007

Here is Amber's new car! A beautiful kinda sporty 96 Neon! Amber is thinking it is pretty cool and so do I! I may have to trade her! :0)
She is ready to give it a good cleaning from inside top to bottom and already has her watermelon air freshener up!
Fun stuff!


  1. WOW! What a beautiful car!! And there is NOTHING like the thrill of the FIRST car!!! CONGRATS, Amber!!! Safe Driving!!!!! (Okay Mom, call me when you're worried -- we'll hold one another's hands!!) LOL

  2. Hi Patti!
    This takes me back to my first car -- a red 1972 volkswagon beetle, which my dad bought me in 1982, when I graduated high school. I was equally excited to shine it up and hit the road!!

  3. Ambers new car looks zippy. And she looks very proud of it!
