Friday, August 31, 2007

Here is Mary and the party! :0) Totally wonderful! Mary is hugging my Mom...Reggie in this top picture! Steve, Jessica, Julie, and Nikki are from left to right! Mary and I are below! She was sooooo tickled with her spread! There were lots of heathly yummies and Nikki and Julie shared in bringing items too!

This is extra cute, because Mary says she feels short when Cathy and I are around, so we bent down nice and low to make her the tallest! I am on the left, and Cathy on the right! Cathy, Tim, and Mary are the owners of Martino's where I work! Tim is Mary's son.....he hates pictures! We are in hair nets and all, so just look past that loveliness! Hehehehe!
It was a good day and Mary loved it all! From the flowers from Roxanne, to the food spread and all! It was so good to see her so smiley! :0) Happy Birthday Mary!!!!!!


  1. All of this looks great! Mary looks thrilled with it all! Great to see you, too!---chris

  2. Patti -- This so reminds me of the book "Play with your Food" -- only more upscale and absolutely, deliciously fun!!!! What fabulous creations and creative people!! WOW!
