Friday, August 10, 2007

These are the FUN FRUIT & VEGGIE sculptures done on the Caribbean Princess Cruise we were took! THIS is ART! Beautiful and creative.....I LOVED IT!!!! Click on the pictures to see closer details! Amazing!


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Fun Food!!!

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    OMG..these are hystical!! I have never seen anything done like this! Usually the chef's work is done in more of an elegant style, so this was a nice change!!

  3. lololol superrrrrb...what a fabulous time you must have had. Lovely to see pics of you too. Great to catch up on your blog after a hectic summer.

  4. lol just realised that when I said lovely to see pics of you too I was OBVIOUSLY referring to your posts above this one rofl...doh!! and not the funny food sculptures (ooops....I hadnt realised they were different posts) *jo sneaks away on tip toes*
