Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Here we are .......snow covered! As much as I really do not enjoy snow anymore(it represents work....shoveling before and after work etc.) the lake was a beautiful sight today, the sky was PURPLE and BLUE and it was amazing over the water! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the winter wonderland view! Booooohoooooo !Hehehehe! We are expected another 5-8 inches tomorrow! MAKE IT STOP!


  1. OH MY GOD -- It's been a blizzard!! But so picturesque! How I wish we had a bit of that moisture! STAY WARM!

  2. woooohooooo soo much snow! not sure if i want to change. enjoy the white magic!

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Oh, I'm so envious! At least it looks (and feels) like Christmas at your house! Yesterday the temperature was 80-degrees here in Richmond, VA. Ridiculous!! Who feels like Christmas shopping riding around with the top down on your car??!!

  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Look at all that Snow! You must send me some, though it is colder here in Houston this will be a miracle if we see any of the white stuff. Thanks for sharing your snow with me! Hugs, Heather

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Oh yuck!! haha! I do not miss snow -- but it sure does look pretty there :)

  6. Oh but doesnt it look beautiful- great if you just look but not good for us here either, you can imagine why. We dont get 'proper' snow anymore...we get a feeble effort that lasts a few hours, then it melts.
