Monday, May 05, 2008

This is Belinda's book for a fabric round robin! We have a pocket theme, and hidden in the pockets are little treasures! So those I will not share! :0) But, these are the two sides to the page I made for Bel's book! It is great fun, Bel's book is called Gretchen's Book of Dreams! The page could be any shape we chose, so I did the shape of a crown for the party! :0) She wanted us to just play and add lots of fun things , so I did my best! The first side with the three party girls, has a base of lots of fibers, materials, and lace sewn between fabric and netting and then collaged on! I hope Gretchen likes her crown and friends! :0)


  1. WOW OH WOW OH OUTSTANDINGLY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Marilyn pointed this out to me, Patti. It's just gorgeous!!!

  3. oooh, didn't expect to see such juicy royalness!!!???? oh my, what a treasure the format alone and then all the funky doo-dads!! gretchen will enjoy the company and it looks like they are in for party time!!! ;) looks like you had fun! sweeeeeeeeeet and thank you sooooooooooooooo much

  4. as you know patti, I am a huge fan of all of your work, but your fabric is just the most wonderful thing I've seen. Too many good things to list here. Thank you for sharing this visual delight!!!!

  5. FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. dearest Patti,
    What a treat to visit your blog & see such fabric loveliness! I just LoVe your crown page for belinda's book -it is simply wonderful. i'm sorry it's been so long since I stopped by!
    hugs from lenna pie

  7. Incredible!! I think that fabric is totally your thing! What a wonderful book, and your addition is beyond wonderful!!
    chris p

  8. WOW this is fantastic Patty. I love your fabric book!

  9. what a great idea,Patty!love your crown!:-)

  10. This is just AWSOME dear Patti and I just LOVEEEEE the richness. Cant wait to see this treasure all close and touchie feelie.
    You know Im going to kiss and smooch it!he-he
    Awsome art my lovely.

  11. This totally blows me away! How awesome ... I could see wearing this as a crown for sure! Totally awesome!!!

  12. I'm a bit late commenting... but I LOVE THIS!!!! Great idea! I can't wait to see it in person (should be any day now!)Yay!
