Sunday, June 15, 2008

Barb has tagged me! :0)

I have to write my memoir in six words!
Here it is:

Happiness comes in return, when given!

The rules of being tagged are:Write the title to your own memoir using SIX words.Post it on your blog.Link to the person that tagged you.Tag 5 more blogs.

Instead of tagging, I will invite you to review something important to you, a sort of approach you face life with and try to phrase it in six words! Just the thought of it is a refreshing thing! Have a great week bloggers! I hope happiness can be yours!


  1. what a cute picture. is that you??? oh my god. what cuteness.

  2. Oh Patti,
    What an adorable picture! I'm like Tina, I am wondering if that is you?
    Luv your six word memoir -- so

  3. Hehehe, Girls, this is NOT me.......I was never this cute! "0)
    Just an adorable HAPPY image to go with my memoir!
    Thanks for thinking it was me though!

  4. Hi Patti!

    What a cute little baby... love the daisies! Your memoirs are very good ones. I think the one that always comes to mind (I have a lot) is just to think positive and have fun - never take yourself too seriously... right? I'm sure you'll agree. Always love coming here and viewing all your pretty artwork and posts!

    Take care,
