Amber and I went to the Tattoo Convention in Milwaukee yesterday! It was a long and fun day at the Wyndham Hotel. I took my design with me and after meeting lots of tattoo artists, I had a young man named Clynt Costley from Taboo Tattoo in Dallas,TX do my tattoo! I have worked at Martino's since I was 14, making Chicago Style Hot Dogs and my sweet Mary is the owner. She survived Breast Cancer(Pink ribbon) and is now battling Ovarian Cancer(Teal Ribbon back side) so I got this tattoo in honor of her taking me on as a young kid to work and over time becoming like a second family to me.Clynt did a great job of bringing that hot dog to fun life with all the condiments too.....and the ribbon with Mary's name to honor her! I love it and it's above my right ankle. Just a super job and I have made so many of these hot dogs.....this one looks good enough to eat! :0) I think Mary will think it is hilarious too! I cannot wait to show her! I will let it heal first so it looks it's best! By the way, a Chicago style hot dog is a Vienna all pure beef dog, nestled in a steamed poppy seed bun with mustard , relish, onion cubes, tomatoes, pickles and sport peppers! I skipped the peppers, because the tattoo would have needed to be larger to have a clear view of all the greens...and this was large enough for me! Ouch! Hehehehe! (It is my 3rd tattoo and I am actually grateful that they hurt some.......or I fear I would LOTS MORE!)
Patti!! What a grand job!!! Did you design this???????? And to honor Mary in this way brings chills to me ... wonderful tattoo, even more wonderful tribute -- makes me a bit teary .. you're something so special, cara!
What a beautiful tribute to your friend Mary! And not a design you would see very often :).
P.S I am hungry now!
This is perfect and will be such a wonderful way to keep Mary close to you always.
hugs chris
Patti, love the tattoo and of the hot dog and they way Mary's name on the ribbon and the two different color ribbons really gives this a lot of means... My gosh you made a Chicago Dog sounds so yummy... closest I have been is seeing them on TV...
Oh how fun!! A hot dog!!! :D
You are such a brave person Patti...it would hurt too much to get a tatoo!!!!
What a lovely tribute to your friend Mary. I'm sure she will be tickled pink when she see's your latest tatoo.
hello patti. hope all is still well with you and mary. i have long grown better and further from the day we met in Milwaukee but i shall always remember the monumental experience we shared that day in beer city. thanks again for a wonderful opportunity and i wish you the best. give my regards to your family and mary as well. love clynt costley
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