Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hi everyone! I have been tagged by Beth at
and I am supposed to tell 7 quirky facts about myself!

I am not too interesting, but here goes......
1. I like PEPSI(diet and caffeine free), and I know when it is Coke.......there is no fooling me!
Diet Pepsi is my favorite dark soda.
2. I used to be called "carrot top" in school because of my natural red hair! :( Now I have to dye it red, because it is getting too gray! Double :(
3. I would love to win the lottery and play art all day long........and cook too. That would be fun.
4. My feet get cold alot, even if the rest of me is hot. Odd right??
5. I dislike WINTER lots! I used to like it as a child--building snow men, sledding, etc., but it has lost all it's sheen to me, since it became all work and no play.......scraping the car windows, shoveling the driveway and walk, and mostly I hate it when my nostril hairs freeze up from the cold! Grrrrrrrr and brrrrrrrrrrr.
6. Fall is my favorite season EVER......and the changing of the colors to me is a miracle, just glorious!
7. I am confused as to what has happened to my sweet baby girl that used to look up at me in the morning from the crib with rosie cheeks and a big droolie grin..........because last time I looked.......she is marching around the college campus and telling me she is too busy with friends, work and studying to barely get a hug in! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM my Mother! (That part is ok, my Mom is amazing! :0)
There you go...........7 things about me.........if you feel like! I don't want to tag anyone and make them feeled pressured. If you play, let me know so I can read your facts!
Hugs! Patti