Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ohhhhhhhhhh finally I got some art in today!!!!! The top picture is a card I made for my girlfriend's bbbbbbbbeautiful daughter, she had a special day with a great group of friends and I wanted to just send her a card with all their smiling FRIENDSHIPs are so precious!

The next item is an altered book TIP IN(pages for the altered book that the receiving person can glue/tip in to her book without sending the whole book through the mail). I chose BABY for the theme, because aren't babies grand?????? Hehehe, anyways, the little tabs that say "BABY" sit off the side of the page and I did use a cereal box background for this piece. You can see those in the post below.

The items are up against cereal boxes too ...........they are just laying here, so why not! :-) Hope your weekend was nice!


  1. You have had an artful weekend!!! So beautiful, Patti!!!!
    hugs, chris

  2. Lovely pieces, Patti! Wonderful artwork as always! Have a great week! :o)

  3. Love both of these pieces Miss P!!I keep looking at my 6ft tall babies and wondering what happened!!????!! thank god for puppies!!!

  4. Hi Patti!
    Love the card for your friends daughter. I am sure it will be a wonderful keepsake.

    And your cereal boxes! WOW! Now that is quite a transformation. They are so beutiful! And you had quite the production line going which will give you lots to work with for the future. Well Done.

    Cheers Pattio

  5. Both pieces are gorgeous, Patti! So well done with perfect details.
    I love the inspiration I get from your Blog :-)
    Gaby xo

  6. yes..gorgeous pieces.well done,Patti!:-)

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Hi Patti...these are great! I wanted to come by to say 'hi' and see how you were doing. Hope all is well...hugs!

  8. Wonderful work Patti
