Sunday, July 11, 2010

These are some of the very scary but beautiful skies we had as crazy storms passed through lately. The trees and house tops, had a layer of dark clouds and then above that more clouds like a ceiling of color as the sun went down!

Also, Martino's (where I work) had an article in the Milwaukee Journal this past week, by a writer who stopped in and wrote this wonderfully article. We had no idea who she was, but am so glad she was pleased and the article was great! You can click on the image and read the article. I mounted it to a piece of foam core so customers can pick it up and see it if they had missed it in the paper. I added some font and some pictures of items mentioned in the article too!


  1. debbiek10:31 AM

    Gorgeous photos, Patti! Love your flower garden. Everything about your home is so inviting:) Have a great week....
    Big Hugs,

  2. Great idea to post the article for your customers!!!!

  3. What a fabulous shot of the clouds and sunset!! That photo would make a fabulous quilt- I love the contrast of the power lines running thru with the soft shapes of the clouds- fabulous!!! You guys deserve a great review you work so very hard!! Great idea to mount it for customers and to add your own great touches!!!
