Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our weather has been so hot and humid. The other week, we had a swarm of dragonflies going nuts around here! Just tons! Today, as we worked outside, it was finally comfortable enough to get outside for a bit, the dragonflies were flying around us like crazy! They are stunningly beautiful really! I have never seen them this close.....but today, they landed on my Rose of Sharon bushes and I was able to get some pictures! There are 3 on one shot , you can click on the pictures to see them bigger! The wings are just amazing aren't they, and look at the little fuzzies on their undside! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We have a lot around here-great photos!!! There are really interesting creatures!!

  2. Wow Patti the little dragonflies are beautiful. Your pictures are stunning! Have a nice week my friend. Hugs Alexandra

  3. debbiek4:57 AM

    Oh Patti, these photos are awesome! Aren't those dragonflies something? Hate to see our summer leaving us, even if the heat isn't my cup of tea:( Have a great week....


  4. You got some great pictures of the dragon flies. I have only seen a swarm of them one time in my life and it was when I was about 12 and remember it clearly! They were swarming all around but I haven't seen this since. I hope they didn't eat your roses!

  5. OMG Patti, your photos are amazing!
    I can't get over how "fine" the webbing is in their wings!
    Thanks for sharing. Ü

  6. Wow! Cool shots. It must be amazing seeing them in person so close. Lucky you.

  7. I actually thought this was a piece of artwork at first...then realized it was a dragonfly...gorgeous shot and amazing insect! thank you for sharing it! Happy Wednesday to you! :)

  8. That is a huge dragonfly. Excellent close ups!!!

  9. the dragonfly photos are fantastic. great photographic work.
