Thursday, May 09, 2013

 Earl's birthday gifts are on his car now. Ironman.......look at the great shadow cast onto the seat from the sun.
 The rest of the Avengers crew on the back those family clings! Hahehehe! Neat right, especially since he drives a Dodge Avenger!

My least favorite flower, the dandelion! They are amazing before they seed.


 Mother's Day cupcakes for a Saturday celebration. I made the candy toppers from candy melts and a Martha Stewart mold. Fun!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there, whether you are a Mom to your own child, a friend's child, a niece/nephew, or a Pet deserve a special day!!!!!!!


  1. Cool Avenger art but the humble dandelion is stealing the show. It is so sunny and beautiful!

    Your cupcakes always look amazing.

    Hugs your namesake :)

  2. What a great birthday for Earl!!! Give him some extra birthday wishes from me!!

    And the cupcakes-you have my address!!! LOL!!

    Love to you and Happy Mothers Day!!

  3. Loooove the stickers... need to get some
    Your cupcakes are always so gorgeous!!!
