Friday, December 06, 2013

Christmas Cookies FUN TIME

Tomorrow is a Christmas Cookie Exchange with some of Amber's friends and family members. This is my cookie. Maybe I can share a photo of what we will receive from the exchange to make a fun and varied Christmas Cookie platter! I cannot wait........sounds like great fun right??
6 of my dozen are cut outs with royal icing and airbrushed designs and some decorations too and 6 are a shortbread with white chocolate and pecans! :) Ohhhhhhhhh who does not like cookies?


Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Ohhhh!!! Wonderful cookies!! i would like to bake and hope I can, but my mom is not doing well and is requiring my attention when I m not working.

Everything you do has that magical and beautiful touch!!!

Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Everything you touch turns to gold and beauty! These cookies are amazing, not only artistic but yummy sounding! WOW! xo

Debbie K. said...

I'm craving cookies now and I mean CRAVING them! Yum, yum!!!

Anonymous said...

Your cookies look amazing...

Ivan said...

Hello mate great blog.